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  • Geopolitics and Mode of International Collaboration (Dissertation Project) March - June 2023
    CAPM verification in base R Jan - Feb 2023
    Impact of India’s Trade Liberalization on Income Inequality Oct - Dec 2022
    Time Zone Differences, Service Trade, and Implications for Factor Prices (Paper Presentation) Sep - Oct 2022
    Estimating Rybczynski elasticity for the case of South Korea using Prof Jones’s concept Aug - Oct 2022
    Analyzing Intensive and Extensive Margins, Price, Quantitative Margin, and RCA for HS-710239 Diamonds Aug - Oct 2022
    DebConf 2021 (Annual conference for Debian contributors) July - Aug 2021
    currently, i’m available to work full-time, and am looking for both full-time and part-time engagements.